Yahoo search migration to Microsoft will be a thread to Google?

The migration of Yahoo’s web and mobile search functions to Microsoft’s Bing search engine has been completed. The step has been taken under a plan as both the giants hope that their combined market power can overshadow Google market. They also believe that the coming together of both the tech companies may provide a more significant threat to the dominance of Google.

The two technology giants Yahoo and Microsoft capture around 28 per cent share in the US search market. And the Google has approximately 66 per cent share.

The integration took more than a year to take place after Yahoo and Microsoft announced their 10-year search deal under which Microsoft will power Yahoo’s search site, while Yahoo manages sales for both companies’ premium search advertisers.

“This is a great milestone for Bing and Yahoo and our customers, and we are happy to report the transition has gone smoothly and we feel great about the progress our search alliance has been making over the summer,” wrote Satya Nadella, senior vice president of Microsoft’s online services division, in a blog post.

Yahoo hopes the deal to save it the high cost of developing its own cutting edge search capability, while combining the two companies’ customers is expected to entice advertisers to pay more for paid search ads.

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