Volvo XC60 to Roll on Indian Roads

Volvo xc60

Volvo xc60

Volvo XC60

Volvo XC60


Volvo Auto India has just confirmed that, the latest luxury SUV- the Volvo XC60 will be launched in India on the 24th of next month.

Beaming with pride, Mr. Paul de Voijs, Managing Director, Volvo Auto India said, “We believe in innovating for life and Volvo XC60 bears testimony to our commitment. It is essential to establish the differentiator in one’s offering, the XC60 will not only redefine our technological DNA, but will also form an integral part of our volume expansion strategy for India going forward.”

“With the new compact luxury SUV, we will expand our offerings to the Indian customers. XC60′s technological innovations such as Laser and Camera assisted Automatic Braking (City Safety) will raise the bar in compact luxury SUV segment. Imagine a car that uses laser and camera technology automatically to mitigate a collision if the driver does not respond in time.” Mr. de Voijs added.

EXPECTED PRICE Rs. 38,00,000

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  • Volvo Xc60 says:
  • Elangoven Sundrason Pillai says: