A new skyscraper(Antilla) in Mumbai – Mukesh Ambani costliest home

Mukesh Ambani Dreams home

Mukesh Ambani Home in Mumbai

Antilla Mukesh Ambani Home

Mukesh Ambani Home Bigger than Versailles palace

The richest man in India and the fourth richest in the world, Mukesh Ambani, has built the world’s first billion-dollar home in Mumbai, India.

The home has 27 storeys, soars to 173 metres and is worth an estimated 630 million pounds, it will be a housewarming like no other.

The building – named Antilla, after a mythical island – will be home to Ambani, his wife and their three children.

It contains a health club with a gym and dance studio, at least one swimming pool, a ballroom, guestrooms, a variety of lounges and a 50-seater cinema.

There are three helicopter pads on the roof and a space for 160 vehicles on the lower floors.

Also, the building has nine lifts to take the guests from the lobby to upper levels, where the festivities will take place.

Bigger than the Versailles Palace

On the top floors, with a sweeping view of the city and out over the Arabian Sea, are quarters for the 53-year-old tycoon and his family.

Overall, there is reported to be 37,000 sq metres of space, more than the Palace of Versailles.

To keep things running smoothly, there is a staff of 600.

It cost an estimated 44 million pounds to build but because of Mumbai’s astronomic land and property prices, will be worth about 15 times that amount – 630 million pounds.

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