Audi A2 electric car said records

Audi A2 electric car

Audi A2 electric car

The Nissan Leaf may be able to go 116 miles on a single charge, but it’s got nothing on this Audi A2 EV, which recently set a new world record. The Audi drove 600 kilometers (372 miles) across Germany, going from Munich to Berlin on a single charge. The trip lasted seven hours with the heating on the whole time, and beat the previous world record holder by nearly 50 kilometers. And apparently the car still had a bit of juice left in it even after that exhausting trip. “If any journalists want to charge up their iPhones, we still have some electricity left,” driver Mirko Hannemann joked upon arriving at Berlin.

The “Lekker Mobil”, an Audi A2 with an electric engine, passes the front of Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate on Tuesday. The electric car drove 600km from Munich in southern Germany to Berlin without recharging its battery, setting what organisers hailed as a new world distance record for an everyday vehicle..

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