International coin depicting the Taj-Mahal in Paris

Taj Mahal

France is all set to the release the most expensive coin on the Taj Mahal.

The French coin depicting the Taj would be the most expensive to be released by the famous Monnaie De Paris mint. It will weigh around 1 kg and will carry 50 diamonds. It is priced at $140,000.

‘This highly prestigious and unique event on November 17 would have been a great opportunity to promote tourism, but the officials concerned are not interested and have taken no interest in encashing this wonderful moment of glory for Agra,’ Agra Mayor Anjula Singh Mahaur, whose request to be at the event was shot down, told IANS on Sunday.

‘The French mint CEO specially sent his representative to Agra to invite me and I was keen to go there, but there has been no support from any quarter,’ said the mayor.

The design of the coin was shown to her and she approved it for minting. A French mint official was in Agra last week to show her a replica of the coin.

A silver replica of the coin costing around Rs 3,000 would be available for sale in Agra.

The coin’s release in Paris was planned ahead of French President Nicolas Sarkozy and his wife Carla Bruni’s visit to India early December. The two are likely to visit Agra on December 5.

This will be the 40th international coin depicting the Taj.

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