Chennai to get a new identity on September 15 -Anna Centenary Library

It’s very heartening to the book readers in the City that large library complex are coming up in Kotturpuram as a part of Anna Centenary Celebrations. The library is named after the former Chief Minister C N Annadurai as Anna Library Complex estimates Rs.172 crore, eight-storeyed building, modelled on the famous National Library in Singapore,

Anna library Chennai, TamilNadu

Mark & Meclin Solutions Pvt. Ltd is proudly partnering with Directorate of Public Libraries to provide IT consultancy services for the Digital Automation, Book Management, Security, Integration and Complete Networking of Anna Centenary Library.

The eight-storied complex will house about 12 lakh books, e-journals and e-books on a wide variety of subjects.

The public library, which is expected to start soon, will have four lakh books, one lakh e-journals and 50,000 to one lakh e-books in the first year and the number of books would be increased steadily in the next three years. While the children’s section would have about 40,000 titles, besides journals and short films, the Braille section on the ground floor would have a minimum of 25,000 titles and also talking books.

A separate floor had been planned for Tamil language, for which a hunt had been launched to collect rare manuscripts. The library complex, coming up on eight acres of land, will have a capacity of 1,250 people. It will also house a separate auditorium with a capacity to seat 1,280 people and an amphitheatre on the terrace.

First Floor
Part A: Children’s section (Cartoons, Comics, Historic hero books)
Part B: Newspaper, Magazine Section

Second Floor
Tamil Language Books

Third Floor & Fourth Floor
English Language Books (Science, History, Economics, Story books,Novels)

Fifth Floor
Back Issues of News Papers and Periodicals

Sixth Floor
Government Documents

Seventh Floor
Donated Books from People

Eight Floor
Digital Library

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